HR Consultancy Services


People Development Strategy & Structure

You cannot deliver your business strategies without the right people, doing the right things in the right way. Tell us your business goals and we’ll help you get there

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Performance Management

We will support you in dealing with the full range of employee performance concerns and opportunities for development, from providing one-to-one Coaching and Mentoring services...

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We will help you focus on the facts and steps required, rather than the emotion of a situation...

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We don’t believe in making mountains out of mole hills but we do believe in a stitch in time saving nine. Addressing complaints swiftly and effectively not only keeps you away from costly litigation, it will ensure your employees trust and respect you...

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Executive Coaching

You and your executives might wish to be perceived as all-knowing, but to be so, you need to continuously self-reflect and evolve which is significantly easier if you have someone to ‘bounce things off’ and have a forum to focus on yourself and your own development.

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Mediation Services

Do you have a conflict between individuals that needs to be addressed to avoid disruption to the business, to alleviate a toxic atmosphere and/or to nip a dispute in the bud before litigation becomes a likely outcome?

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